by Mike Weiner

Customers are patient, freight forwarders are kind. We do not envy the challenges our customers face, we do not boast about our organization, we are proud of what we can accomplish for you. We do not dishonor others and the competition, we do not sell our services for massive gains, the true service provider seeks to help, we are not easily angered when challenges occur, we do keep record of our own wrongs and try to correct them. We do not delight in finding problems in your supply chain but rejoice with the truth and reality we can bring to you. We always protect you from supply chain problems, always trust our customer, always hope we can help, always persevere through your/our own challenges and provide proactive support.

We try to never fail you. When we started our career and adventure in logistics, we talked like a beginner, we thought like a beginner, reasoned like a beginner. When we became aware that our adventure is now a wonderful career, we put the ways of inexperience behind us.

And now these three remain: Logistics knowledge, hope and support. But the greatest of these is support when needed.

Do you need it?

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by Mike Weiner

Face to face, human interaction, reviewing needs, caring, providing solutions, answering concerns, help, looking to the future, assessing ROI, finding a fit, collaboration, natural, emotional, passionate, driven, never accepting NO, always customer centric, positioning for future chance, constantly changing, requiring focus, determination, planning, support of all team members offering the product,

every day – every moment.


This is sales – across any sector, any where.

-share info, build relationships-



by Mike Weiner

Top 10 comments by customers to logistics sales reps:

1. Don’t make me look stupid! If I choose your service you better not screw up!
2. Don’t charge me too much! My boss will ask me on why I paid too much.
3. When I have a question I need an answer. As soon as possible!
4. You better know what you are talking about!
5. I need service, service and more service!! Enough said.
6. What is wrong with my current service provider? You tell me?
7. Reliability – do you have it? Can I trust you?
8. I need a person, not a 1 800 number solution. 24/7/365 – that’s logistics!
9. Learn about my needs, help find me answers. I need answers!
10 And most important, CARE ABOUT MY BUSINESS!

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